We Are Here

Swordfish listens.

Justin Vellucci
[email protected]

A biography: Justin Vellucci is a staff writer for PopMatters, Spectrum Culture and MusicTAP, a contributor to Pittsburgh Current, and a former staffer for PopdoseDelusions of Adequacy and Punk Planet. His music writing has appeared in national magazines like American Songwriter, alt-weeklies such as Pittsburgh City Paper, The Brooklyn Rail and San Diego CityBeat, blogs SwordfishPunksburgh and Linoleum, and the Gannett publication Jetty. He lives in Pittsburgh.



  1. Hello,
    I hope this email finds you well. This email is a request to have Thomas W. Hagan and his new single “big guy” featured in your publication. Attached, is a link to the unreleased song and a press release to accompany it. It would be amazing if the song or this press release could be featured in an article/post around its release date of December 13th, 2020.
    Thank you for your time and happy listening!



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