Review: Don Caballero – World Class Listening Problem (II)

These math-rock giants have returned from the grave with a rejiggered line-up and a set of blistering instrumentals whose finest moments call to mind — but do not trump — epics like Don Caballero 2.

Though the record’s intricate bridges lack the crunching thunder and jazzy undercurrents of earlier releases, octopus-armed drummer Damon Che hasn’t lost his edge in leading the assault.

Favorite Track: “Mmmmm Acting, I Love Me Some Good Acting”

Grade: A – Jetty, May 2006

About the author

Justin Vellucci is a staff writer for PopMatters, Spectrum Culture, and MusicTAP, a contributor to Pittsburgh Current, and a former staffer for Popdose, Punk Planet and Delusions of Adequacy. His music writing has appeared in national magazines such as American Songwriter, alt-pubs like The Brooklyn Rail, Pittsburgh CityPaper and San Diego CityBeat, blogs Swordfish, Punksburgh and Linoleum, and the Gannett magazine Jetty. He lives in Pittsburgh.